Add a Facebook-like page to your website easily.
There two simple two ways to add Facebook like page/plugin to your website
First Method:
- Add a gadget to your site or blog and select HTML/Javascript.
- Just copy and paste the following code.
<center><div class="fb-page" data-href="add your facebook like page address" data-width="360" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"></div></center>
- Add your Facebook-like page address in a given field and save.
- Now you are done.
Second Method:
- Copy your Facebook page’s URL.
- Go to the Facebook Developers site.
- Add your Facebook URL into the form.
- Choose your options.
- To customize the width of your like button, simply enter the number of pixels you'd want it to be.
- Your button's layout, size, and action type ("Like" or "Recommend") can all be customized. You can add a share button and photos of friends who have already liked the page.
- Adjust these settings until you find a like button that works best for you.
- Click the Get Code button.
- Copy your Like Box plugin code.
- Put the code on your site.
- Add a gadget to your site or blog and select HTML/Javascript.
- Send this code to your web designer and tell him or her where you want it on your site if you have a web designer who makes adjustments for you.
- If you're updating your site yourself, copy and paste this HTML code into the appropriate portion of your site's code.
- Now you are done.